My goal is to help every child learn about themselves and grow into his/her best self. Through a variety of counseling techniques and 15 plus years of experience as an art therapist, I help you or your child be successful, feel fulfilled, overcome obstacles or emotional challenges, and have a renewed sense of understanding and appreciation for the gifts each child brings to this world. Growing up can be confusing, daunting, difficult, or emotionally draining in the best of circumstances. When life challenges occur or sad events happen, children can feel even more distressed, isolative, angry, and/or confused. During the pandemic, every day can feel more confusing or scary. Getting help to explore and heal from difficult periods of life is especially important for children because they need to learn how to utilize positive, helpful coping strategies that will carry them through adulthood. Art Therapy is an empowering, creative process and incorporates useful counseling and art techniques to address and overcome issues, emotional challenges, or negative life experiences.

I strive to make each session as comfortable as possible and help each child feel safe in the art therapy sessions, especially when the topics of discussion or art created may not always reflect that. The art made is for your child to keep when the therapy session is over but sometimes it’s kept for safe-keeping in my office, for subsequent sessions. This record keeping is essential for a child’s emotional growth and reflects learning, compassion, insights, and “a-ha” moments along the path to healing and self-awareness. The creative process for children is more comforting and comfortable in counseling than verbal therapy. Many times, tough issues are addressed more rapidly because the child can visually express issues or thoughts easier than he/she can express in words.

All sessions are 50 minutes long and are strictly confidential. Children are encouraged to share their experience with trusted love ones, but if a child doesn’t please don’t take it personally. It usually takes a little time, and once a child trusts that the therapy is working, he/she opens up and tends to share his/her work with those he/she loves.

To make an appointment, use the Appointment Calendar or Contact me with any questions.

Live creatively. Get inspired.

Workshops are a great way to explore and learn using specific art materials in a supportive group setting.  Sometimes attendees prefer workshops because you feel less on the spot or exposed than in a one-on-one art therapy session. Sometimes making art with others is comforting and/or fun too. The self-discovery and learning that takes place in my workshops can also really help those who are shy, or help kids who feel like their voice isn’t being heard or understood. It’s also a great way to build trust with others in a less threatening way.

I offer one day workshops and workshop series. There are benefits to both. A lot of it depends on your time, how comfortable you are in group settings, and what feels right for you this month. I try to offer a variety of workshops to fit a variety of styles. Also, certain themes that are more universal for specific age groups are best explored over a period of weeks rather than in one day. If you aren’t sure which workshop is best, always feel free to email with questions or concerns.

Please sign up for any workshop by emailing me at or sign up via the Appointment Calendar.


Magnificent Marvelous Me!
Ages: 6-12
Cost: $75 (Includes a light snack, cost of book per student, and art materials)
Time: 3:30pm to 4:45pm (Drop off between 3:20 and 3:30 preferred)
Dates: 4 Weeks: Sept 25th; Oct. 2nd; Oct. 9th; Oct. 16th; & Oct. 23rd
(Make up session is Oct. 23rd)
Participants: Maximum of 5

Ever wonder what the coolest things are about you? Ever wanted to explore a world full of creativity, fun, and mystery?  The Magnificent Marvelous Me! workshop is perfect for you. In your first session, you get your very own Magnificent Marvelous Me! book. It’s like a big, colorful art journal and each week you discover a whole new world of art exercises designed to help you feel special, loved, more creative, and connected with others. Because there is a lot to explore and many feelings and thoughts to express, this workshop is meant to be attended over several weeks. It’s a safe way to get in touch with lots of stuff going on in your life. In the end, you get to keep your book and continue to work on you and your creativity after the workshop series is over. Or, maybe you’ll love it so much, you’ll want to join another workshop series and that is great too.

Learn more about the book, Magnificent Marvelous Me!.